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Coaching & Volunteer Requirements

Coaching Handbook

Coaching Requirements

Every applicant must have the following info completed and turned in BEFORE working as a coach in the Los Gatos Saratoga High School District. In addition, contracts will not be distributed and coaches will not be paid until ALL of the following have been received by the Athletic Department and Human Resources Office. 

The Coaching Processing packet will include:

  • Fingerprint Clearance (locations list/livescan form to be shared by HR)
  • Current Verification of Negative TB test
  • Current CPR/First Aid Certification (we do not accept only online courses, accepted outside courses that require a skills training are accepted- i.e. American Red Cross, American Heart Association, American Safety & Health Institute.  The district also provides a course - 2 hours online training followed by a in-person skills night training-dates TBD)
  • NFHS Courses: Fundamentals of Coaching, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Concussion in Sports (links to be shared by HR once a coach has Fingerprint/TB clearance)
  • Keenan Online Safety Training: Mandated Reporter (must be completed yearly), Sexual Harassment Prevention (must be completed every 2 years), Bullying: Recognition and Response, Blood borne Pathogens (links to be shared by HR once the coach completed the processing paperwork)

Human Resources Department: Lindsay Harris -

LGSUHSD Parents Volunteer Upcoming Sign-Up Events


We will be hosting a volunteer event for parents interested in volunteering for the 2023-24 school year at each school site this month. These events are not site specific, you can come to either date to apply to be a volunteer. 


Event Details:

Los Gatos High School

Saratoga High School 

Date:          TBD

Time:          TBD

Location:   Community Room (MAP)

Date:            TBD

Time:           TBD

Location:     M101(MAP)


Parent Volunteer Packet - Please use this link to sign up PRIOR to attending the event.