Social Studies
Welcome to the Saratoga Social Studies Webpage! Our department is filled with experienced, dynamic, and caring teachers. We are able to connect with every grade level at Saratoga High School.
Our department offers challenging outside activities such as: speaker series, History Day, and the MAP program for World and US/APUS History and American Government and Economics as well as local history walking tours and field trips.
Our current course offerings include:
9th: World Geography and Ethnic Studies
10th: World History
11th: US/AP US History
12th: Economics/American Government (AP)
History Through Film
Multi-Grade Level: AP European History
Our department offers challenging outside activities such as: speaker series, History Day, and the MAP program for World and US/APUS History and American Government and Economics as well as local history walking tours and field trips.
Social Studies Writing Contests
- The Concord Review is the only quarterly journal that publishes research papers for secondary students.
- Cash prizes for research papers from The Churchill Center.
- Phi Alpha Theta is the National History Honor Society. They offer several scholarships and prizes for undergraduates in college but some allow high school papers.
Social Studies Internships/Summer Programs
- College of William and Mary Early American History Program (NIAHD) Attend one of two classes for three weeks (American History from Jamestown through the American Revolution or American History from the American Revolution through the Civil War.) Email PRECOL@WM.EDU. Application deadline is mid April or visit the website.
- My Vote Our Future Campaign is a voter outreach sponsored by De Anza College for immigrant groups in Santa Clara County. Email or Nadine at
Social Studies Scholarships & Awards
- Louise Cooper Memorial Award. The Saratoga History Museum will award a $250 prize to a high school student with an outstanding history project that focuses on Saratoga history. The student does not need to be a resident of Saratoga to participate. Deadline is in May.
- California Pioneers of Silicon Valley Essay will award $250 prize to "a high school student with any person, place, or event concerning Santa Clara County from its beginning to the recent past." Essay needs to be from 3,000 to 10,000 words. See the California Pioneers Silicon Valley website for information.
- Conservative Forum of Silicon Valley Essay Contest. Topic is "a principle underlying the US Constitution that made this country great." Two $1000 prizes. Open to all students in Santa Clara County. 1000 word limit. questions email
- The Quill and Compass Scholarship is a significant scholarship for students attending a college in Maryland or Virginia.
Social Studies Common Core Links